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09.07.2008 - baby blues
06.07.2008 - evils of food on the brain
04.07.2008 - (sadface)
20.06.2008 - kommst du bald? spat? immer?
11.06.2008 - idon'tknowhatthisentryisabout
24.05.2008 - oneday
21.05.2008 - mir ist kalt
19.05.2008 - disneyland
05.05.2008 - ich werd' ein toter hund
23.04.2008 - stillhatefood
21.04.2008 - damsel in distress
02.02.2008 - it's a fucking puncture wound, doc, not a slight laceration
27.01.2008 - if i'm not happy, then mia is very happy
21.01.2008 - the walls areburning; there isno sun
17.01.2008 - komm an, komm an
16.01.2008 - dresden!, vomit!, fuckups!
14.01.2008 - kuhhirt power
14.01.2008 - meXiCo
12.01.2008 - i become a deaddog
09.01.2008 - total kaputt
05.12.2007 - (es ist das make-up und schwarz?)
03.12.2007 - how can
02.12.2007 - welcome to ohio, asshole
01.12.2007 - the grave
01.12.2007 - who framed roger rabbit?
29.11.2007 - fantabular
26.11.2007 - giant rabbits
26.11.2007 - gonebaby
20.11.2007 - ichwillnur inbettmitdir bleibenstehen
14.12.2007 - sheiSSe! (fuckit!)
11.12.2007 - -
09.12.2007 - ohdeargodsihavetogotowork
06.12.2007 - finding that,
06.12.2007 - von muenchen bis marion
05.12.2007 - sticking my head back in
20.11.2007 - what happened?
16.11.2007 - instead of
16.11.2007 - a birthday is just another day
14.11.2007 - a bitter aftertatse of dietcoke, stomachacid
14.11.2007 - 3rd entry 2day, as i try to avoid reality
14.11.2007 - herzlich gluckw�nsch zum �pfelsaft
14.11.2007 - (soft, sad piano music playing deliberately in the background, one note at a time)
12.11.2007 - kmfdm will neverstop
10.11.2007 - where will you run? where will you hide?
04.11.2007 - \"one hundred shattered summer suns\"
04.11.2007 - half-eaten bagel (i don't even like bagels!)
04.11.2007 - tell them i'm tired
20.10.2007 - the dream
19.10.2007 - wasted; blue
18.10.2007 - third3ntry
18.10.2007 - stuck in my throat
18.10.2007 - stomach acid is eating a hole in my nose (ithink)
11.10.2007 - you're all ugly & boring now
06.10.2007 - allyourdreams are made
16.09.2007 - dead; unburied
14.09.2007 - no success for a sad, bulimic swine
13.09.2007 - lonely, lonely, lonely
13.09.2007 - another sunny afternoon?
11.09.2007 - being bulimic SUCKS
28.08.2007 - you're a wolf
18.08.2007 - trying to think of something in my childhood...
14.08.2007 - a child's smothered cry turns to hilarity
12.08.2007 - no phone, no lights, no motorcars
08.08.2007 - ohmygods
07.08.2007 - live2shit & kill2kum
07.08.2007 - look at the little pig!
07.08.2007 - die dreizehn igeln
06.08.2007 - i hate mia
02.08.2007 - ja, nein, SPLATT!!!
02.08.2007 - already bulimic
05.04.2007 - she justwants 2b uGLi
03.04.2007 - notification of failed delivery
27.03.2007 - wrapped in a teeshirt
26.03.2007 - wilkommen aus das neue
25.03.2007 - ihatemilyf, ihatemilyf
21.03.2007 - one more shot
20.03.2007 - mirrors & razorblades
18.03.2007 - cute fluffy bunnies
14.03.2007 - pretend a goblin ate your tongue
13.03.2007 - retroaKtive
12.03.2007 - heromaginalitastic
11.03.2007 - dreemcleen


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